College Fees

The college’s administrative team have set a structure for our fees that is applicable to all students regardless of origin:

  • The parents/guardians must pay a £100 Registration Fee (non-refundable) and complete the Application Form provided which must be returned to the Admissions department.
  • The college will send an offer letter to candidates who have completed the interview admissions process. The payments must be made in advance to secure a position at our college. The cost entails a £5,000 deposit, which is refundable.
  • Whilst the registration fee is non-refundable, the deposit will be refunded when the student completes the academic programme.
  • Please note that any outstanding fees will be deducted from the deposit before any refund is processed. If necessary, please contact the Principal for any clarifications, or if you have any questions regarding fees and the admission process.
  • The cost of Tuition and two meals per day is £24,000 in addition to the current basic bronze room cost, which is £6,000. The gold room costs £6,678.
  • The parent or guardian must pay the accommodation provider directly.
GCSE 1 Year Intensive £45,000 £30,000
GCSE 2 Year £45,000 £30,000
Pre-A Level + 2 Year A Level £45,000 £30,000
2 Year A Level £45,000 £30,000
Foundation Course £20,000 £18,000

* Accommodation costs are subject to annual increases which are set by the accommodation provider and not by the College.

  • The fee covers cost of tuition of 4 subjects at AS Level, namely Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics & Physics. The fee also includes 2 meals per day (mainly launch & dinner) at a Chinese Restaurant which about 5 minutes walk from the College Building. The Basic/Bronze Room will be around £6,000 which students’ parents pay directly to the accommodation provider. The accommodation will be for approximate 42 weeks, starting from the 16th of September 2023, to the 30th June 2024. If students want to stay for the remaining 9 weeks, they will have the option of paying for the additional 9 weeks.